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[MOVIE] 365 Days Full Movie [BLURAY FULL]

[MOVIE] 365 Days Full Movie [BLURAY FULL] | Every year, Valentine's Day leaves a plethora of films depicting love and romance in all their pain and glory. Thanks to the very brief craze surrounding the February 2015 cinematic adaptation of “50 Shades of Grey”, the possibilities seemed endless for a more “mature” love story (aka: erotic romance) to make it big on the big screen, and subvert what people expected. from Valentine's release. In the end this never happened, and five whole years since that wave came, came “365 Days”: the latest film from Polish writer/director Barbara Białowas.

[MOVIE] 365 Days Full Movie [BLURAY FULL]

“365 Days” tells the story of Massimo (Michele Morrone), the heir to a major criminal organization who not only insists on unbuttoning his shirt at all times, but who is also unafraid to get his hands dirty to deal with disobedience, and who doesn't know the meaning of the word. "no"; qualities that are exactly what one looks for in a romantic hero.

When the director doesn't throw film budgets onto the screen, he also finds time to try and deliver a film that's similar to plot... In irony, a film so obsessed with the sins of the flesh fails to reach a satisfying climax, without even a hint or promise that it's still there. more to come.

Download Film 365 Days (2020) Streaming Movie Eng Sub

Watch Movie 365 Days Sub Indo –After an argument that leaves him near death, Massimo has a vision of a woman taking over his life, and five years of searching later, in Sicily he finds Laura (Anna-Maria Sieklucka), a Varsovian hotel sales director in a stable but unsatisfactory relationship, celebrating his 29th birthday. In a centuries-old demeanor, Massimo literally literally swept Laura off her feet (with the help of sedatives and some mercenaries), held her captive in his villa and then made her a life-changing offer: stay with her for 365 days and fall in love with her. . If he doesn't, Laura says he's free to leave, though the veracity of the last part of the offer is a little uncertain, considering he's the head of a criminal enterprise.

Białowas did everything he could to try and minimize the horrors of Laura's situation, but the end result was at least wrong. Massimo is a man who doesn't hesitate to attack his female staff, including one particularly unpleasant interaction with a female air stewardess in the back of a private jet. But on the other hand, he has some limits to his moral ruthlessness, and takes action to execute members of his organization who implicate him in child trafficking, so at least he's not a monster – just a man guilty of kidnapping, kidnapping, sexual assault, murder and possibly more. much more than that.